Friday, March 27, 2009

Neon Yellow Cast

Since Tara's griping at me to update my blog...

We finally get over the pneumonia! Tuesday night Ryleigh is in the basement with Daddy. I hear her scream bloody murder and jump up. Josh is bringing her upstairs. He says "oh, she just dropped a weight plate on her foot" and goes back downstairs like it's no big deal!
There is a little cut on it, not much blood and she's screaming in pain. I give her some motrin and lay her in my bed to watch "Babbules" (Blues she came up with that I have no ide).
The next morning she gets up and won't put any pressure on her foot. Her toe is very swollen and bruised. We were already going to the ped for a re-check on her x-rays so I call tell them what happened and the ped wants to see her.
In the meantime she finally learns that she can't play or do anything without walking on her foot so she learned the limp...walking on the side of her foot or her heal. I'm thinking it's just badly bruised.
We go to the ped and they do the x-rays. The chest looks great...the toe is broken! It's broken right where the toe and foot meet. So he refers us to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and says they will probably put a sturdy hard boot/shoe on her.
We go to the orthopedic surgeon appt and they again confirm it's broken. They tell me we can do a the boot or a cast. I tell them that I'm out of a job and my insurance isn't the greatest. They said I should go with the cast as the insurance will pick it up and they won't the boot since it's not considered a medical necessity.
Ryleigh gets to pick out her color and she picks NEON YELLOW! Which goes with almost nothing she wears but I figure she doesn't get to decide much in life right now so no biggie. She did great getting the cast on. So they say that it will probably take her 2-3 days before she can walk well with the cast. She got right down and started walking away on it. Nothing was going to stop her.
I was worried that she wasn't going to sleep well with it on but so far she's done fine. They think she will only have to keep it on for 2 weeks since we did the cast instead of the boot. So we'll see...we go back on April 9th for it to be x-rayed again.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So Ryleigh had been coughing off and on for a few weeks. When we saw her ped at her 2 year visit on 2/9 I told him we'd be back and he said to be optimistic...yeah ok.
So Saturday she woke up very congested and coughing like crazy so I take her in at 10:30. He checks her over, no fever, ears are good, chest sounds clear and gives us an antibiotic for a sinus infection. Saturday afternoon she is burning up. I take her home and she has 102.7. Sunday she's up to 103.6! I'm freaking out calling the physician's exchange and they say as long as she's drinking and moving around they don't worry until 105! I was shocked. She's coughing so much she's throwing up and so today I called the doc back. She hadn't eaten anything since Saturday and was still running a fever. We go in at 12p and he sticks a long swab up her nose to test the mucus, takes x-rays and tapes a urine bag to her to collect a urine sample. We were there and hour and the entire time she is screaming. He comes back and shows me the x-rays...pneumonia! I couldn't believe it but was glad I decided to call him back today and go in.
He then gave us the option of different antibiotics or hospital. He felt that kids seem to do better in their own environment so his recommendation was to try the antibiotics. If she's still running a fever in 48 hours (about 99.5) or still wheezing (that's another thing I've had to give breathing treatments every 4 hours!). So she's on augmention which I'm not a fan of either since it causes bad (and I do mean bad) diarrhea but it's better than sitting in a hospital room right now.
So far she's actually doing a little better. She ate some french fries (great I know but she loves them so I thought I'd at least try) and played some this evening. She's been in bed for 30 minutes and I've heard zero coughing out of her so hopefully I can finally get some much needed rest tonight!