Monday, May 4, 2009

Hmmm...what's new

Before Tara gets on me about updating this again I thought I had better get started :)

Not much new has gone on. Ryleigh's toe is just about healed, still a little piece on the inside of her toe that isn't quiet healed but the doc said we could go about normal activity.

I started Ryleigh back in swimming 4 weeks ago. She LOVES it! She is using the block floatation devices now. First week we did 4 blocks and and first she struggled but then quickly figured it out. Then we tried 3 blocks and she did great keeping herself upright. Then we tried 2 and down she went! If she would just keep her mouth closed and not swallow the water she would do great on the 2 blocks. So we went back to 3. She is able to move around without me holding on to her too! She is getting better and getting up on the edge and jumping in to me as well.

We are still in gym class but not sure if we will continue over the summer. If not we will definitely start back up in the fall. Main reason I was thinking about taking her out was because she doesn't listen and just runs off and plays. So last week we talked about staying with Mommy and listening at gym class...we get there and she's great! She does the warm up activities with me and all so now I'm in a pickle as to what to do.

Ryleigh has been talking up a storm lately too. She will try to repeat everything you say. Perfect example...I spilled water all over the floor the other day and said "Oh shit!" and she says "oh sit!" I said "Ryleigh Mommy should not have said that and it's a bad word so we don't say that ok?" She says "o-tay Mommy." She's doing excellent with her colors too! Still trying to count in the correct order to 10 but so far she's doing good. She's learning to show me her numbers on her fingers but keeps getting that darn middle finger up showing me "1"!

She's had a ton of constipation issues lately. She was on Miralax 1/2 tsp once per day, then we up'd it to 1tsp once a day and now it's 1 tsp twice a day. After 2 days of that, on Saturday she had 4 massive diaper explosions! So hopefully she's getting back to normal and I can wean her off the Miralax. The doctor said that if kids realize it hurts to go (esp when they get constipated) they won't go and then it backs up inside. Which makes sense as several nights last week she woke up screaming saying her tummy was owie.

So that's about it for now. Have a great day all!