Sunday, January 25, 2009


Obviously there has been snow since Ryleigh was born but today was the first time she's actually noticed it. We walked into the kitchen and she ran to the door yelling "What's that!" over and over and over. We had to stand there and look at the snow for at least 5 minutes! Hopefully we'll have enough that we can finally go out and play in it since we have 2 snow suits and snow boots that have yet to be used...stay tuned!

So we played in teh snow for about 40 minutes! Ryleigh was great while I got her all suited up to go outside. The snow wasn't a wet packing snow so we really just played with her ball and then went out back and she went down the slide several times on her climbing gym. When it was come in side she threw a fit and wanted to stay out and play. Even after I stripped her out of her snow gear she brought it all to me wanting to put it back on!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Nothing Much

So I'm bad about keeping up with this apparently. Not much going on lately. Got layed off at work on Monday. I was told they eliminated my position...go figure! I'm on a role...last 3 jobs have been layed off!
Ryleigh is doing ok. She's still going to daycare as 1) I don't want to lose my spot and 2) I want to be available for interviews at any time. My sitter has worked great with me taking her in a little later and picking her up earlier. For the first 2 days Ryleigh struggled as she thought we were going to "Mawmaw's" house rather than the sitter and cried when we got there but according to the sitter was fine within minutes.
Having bed time issues lately...she doesn't want to go to sleep! Right now she's still whining and calling out my name. Maybe she's starting to get her 2 year molars???
Speaking of 2, we are down to 2 weeks until her b-day. I still can't believe it! This week I'll be ordering the cakes (one for each party) and the balloons.
Trying to find a cute outfit for her to wear...something with Minnie Mouse but also dressy. Wish me luck on that one!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obsession with Mommy

Lately all Ryleigh has done is whine. As soon as I get up in the morning she must have radar as she hears me and starts yelling "MOMMY!"
Then as she's getting up she yells at Josh "No way Daddy! My Mommy!"
When I leave in the morning she screams for me.
Though when I pick her up from the sitter she creams 1/2 the way home, not sure why this is though. Is she not wanting to leave the sitter? Is she upset about being strapped into the carseat? (as she's telling me "Rywee stuck").
She cries when I brush her teeth...though I can't tell if she's getting her 2 year molars in as she won't let me feel anything in her mouth.
This parenting thing is SO hard! I still have yet to figure out why people have more than one child!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Disney on Ice

Yesterday we went to see Disney on Ice which included 5% Mickey/Minnie/Donald Duck/Goofy and the rest Cars, Mermaid, Lion King and Tinkerbell. Ryleigh seemed to really enjoy it. She sat in her seat with a giant box of popcorn refusing to share with anyone! She did really good for being 1 during a 2 hour show. The Tinkerbell part was kind of rough as she doesn't know Tinkerbell (and quiet frankly neither do I).
Prior to going to Disney on Ice...Ryleigh got the bright idea of climbing up on the kitchen chair and when attempting to get down feel flat on her face and busted her bottom lip open. Luckily it wasn't bad enough to need stitches but hopefully heals before her pictures this Saturday!
Silly Mommy forgot her camera (AGAIN)...though she did have her picture taken with Mickey/Minnie and once I figure out how to upload pictures on here I will post it.

We're new to this!

This is my first time attempting this but figured it is the current craze and would try it out.
We are currently gearing up for Ryleigh's 2nd birthday which is quickly approaching in 4 weeks! I can't believe how quickly time is flying.
Ryleigh is now at around 50 words that you can clearly understand. Some of the other stuff I have no idea. She is very shy and will only do certain things around Mommy (such as dancing). She loves legos, babies and most importantly Mickey Mouse (whom she refers to as Momo).