Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obsession with Mommy

Lately all Ryleigh has done is whine. As soon as I get up in the morning she must have radar as she hears me and starts yelling "MOMMY!"
Then as she's getting up she yells at Josh "No way Daddy! My Mommy!"
When I leave in the morning she screams for me.
Though when I pick her up from the sitter she creams 1/2 the way home, not sure why this is though. Is she not wanting to leave the sitter? Is she upset about being strapped into the carseat? (as she's telling me "Rywee stuck").
She cries when I brush her teeth...though I can't tell if she's getting her 2 year molars in as she won't let me feel anything in her mouth.
This parenting thing is SO hard! I still have yet to figure out why people have more than one child!

1 comment:

  1. Mine is only 5 1/2 months old and I wonder about the two kids thing too!
