Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Girl Bed

This past Saturday I was laying in bed watching a movie while Ryleigh napped. About an hour into her nap I heard a thud but didn't hear anything else so I didn't think anything of it. Then I start hearing a rattling noise...I get up to investigate and am met by Ryleigh in the hall. I said how did you get out here she replies "Rywee get out my bed myself" So I put her back in and asked her to show me how she got out. Low and behold she threw her leg over and climbed right on down.
That night she climbed out of bed twice. Had been coughing some and coughed so hard she threw up all over her new rug! (dang it...and it won't come out!). So after getting cleaned up and some extra cuddling I put her back in bed and no more problems. Sunday morning I wake up to her starring at me saying "Mommy wake up!"
Sunday night I tell her that she can't keep climbing out of bed that she might hurt herself. And told her if she did it she would be punished. So she stayed in bed but climbed out again Monday morning. I woke up to her knocking on her door trying to get out. (Josh shuts her door when he gets up in the morning to avoid waking her up and the door sticks so she can't open it herself).
I was dreading moving her to a toddler bed as I just like putting her in bed and walking away. But after climbing out again Tuesday morning I figured it was time as a friend who kept avoiding it ended up in the ER with her son and he had a broken collarbone.
So yesterday my cousin came over and helped (well really he did all the work) convert her bed into a toddler bed.
She came home and I showed her the "big girl bed" and she was ecstatic! She was in and out all night playing. But when bedtime came she did excellent! She stayed in bed and didn't get out until she woke up this morning.
As a precaution we did put a gate at her door so in the event she did get up she wouldn't be able to wander the house.
So hopefully we will be lucky and it will continue on like this and she will do well with the conversion as she has with everything else we've changed (bottles to sippy's, no binkie's, etc.)

Go Big Girl Ryleigh!