Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summer Updates

I suck at this. It's been 3 months since I've updated because I feel like I never have anything thrilling to say!

Earlier this month we went bowling for the first time with Ryleigh. She did awesome. She carried the 6lb ball all by herself and threw it down the lane. While she didn't break 50 she did get 43 points! We also experienced fingerpainting at home. For those that know me well I have a huge issue with messes so this was quite a feat for me! She did good though and only touched the walls once when she was finished. Luckily I bought the washable kind :)

Ryleigh is now cutting her 1st 2 year molar. It has taken forever to come through. I've been able to see it for about a month now but it wouldn't come through! About a week ago the corner popped through so it's on it's way.

I took Ryleigh to the dentist over the summer. She did awesome! She layed on me while I layed in the dentist chair. He checked her gums and teeth to make sure all looked ok. She didn't cry at all I was so proud! Dentist said everything looked good and to come back in 6 months. She wasn't ready to get her teeth cleaned yet so it was just a check to make sure all looked good.

Took Ryleigh to her first movie at the Free Summer Movie Series. We saw Madagascar 2. It was interesting. She did good for about 40 min and then we had to talk a walk. Then about 30 min later we had to talk another walk and then she lasted through the rest of the movie. She still talks about going to the movies so maybe next summer we will try it again!

In July Ryleigh started at a pre-school. She is only going part-time so I was pretty hesitant as to how she would do not going consistently. But she is doing good. They have art time, story time, song time, etc. Things that she doesn't have at her other babysitters house. Her favorite is outside time. There are days where she clings on to me but when I come to pick her up she screams because she doesn't want to leave so that makes me feel good!

At the beginning of August Ryleigh kept waking up at night crying that her tummy hurt. This then turned in to a round the clock thing. I took her to the urgent care one weekend and they said it was a urinary tract infection so we started antibiotics. 2 days later her ped called and said the urine culture was negative for a uti but she still complained of pain. 2 days after that I figured out that she hadn't had a good bowel movement in almost a week. She was screaming and throwing herself around on the floor so we did a suppository. She went but continued to scream and throw herself around on the floor. Called the ped and they said to do an enema. Did that and she went again but continued to cry of pain. The next day we went into the office for an x-ray and found that she had stool backed up to her ribs! She has been on Miralax since she turned 2 but we now have an increased dosage to keep her going regularly and boy is it working!
Ryleigh is still going to swimming and doing better and better. We go to the Y so she's in a class called pre-pike. It's for kids more advanced than Skip (6-36 mo) but not yet 3 so can't go to Pike class. We now have had 3 instructors tell us that she is ready for Pike but due to the age restriction she can't move up yet. So that tells me she's a good little swimmer! She is also still going to The Little Gym and looks forward to it every week! She's doing better at listening to the instructor and allowing him/her to work with her rather than me having to do it. I'm hoping that once she turns 3 to move her into a dance/tumbling class and see how that works.

School has said she is very smart for her age as she knows most of the basic colors, counting, number identification, shapes and her ABC's. They said most 2 1/2 year old's aren't this advanced so that makes me a very proud Mommy! Listening to her sing her ABC's is SO cute! Though most of the time I have to coax her in to doing it.

We are still struggling with potty training but I keep hearing it's still a little early yet. She gets that she's supposed to go on the potty and tell me that she has to go but she has yet to put those two things together so when we try it for awhile there are accidents non-stop!

Well I think that's all for now. I'll try next time not to wait so long in-between updates!